A-Z Index

Northwest Terminology and Acronyms


Academic Advisor: A Northwest faculty or staff member that works with students to discuss goals, develop an academic plan, select appropriate courses, review graduation requirements, and assist with any academic problems a student may encounter.

Academic Good Standing: 西北和累计(西北和转学)平均绩点均为2分的学生.0 or higher.

Academic Probation: Alerts students that the quality of cumulative academic work is unsatisfactory. For more information on academic probation, please visit:

Academic Suspension:  留校察看的学生进入一个学期,而这个学期的平均成绩没有达到2分.00或更高的学生将被暂停,除非学生的西北和累计(西北和转学)GPA均为2.00 or higher at the end of the semester. For more information on academic suspension, please visit:

ACP: 核心能力评估是一项基于计算机的多项选择题测试,学生在完成60学时后完成. 它测试一般大学水平的阅读、写作、批判性思维和数学. It includes material usually covered in core courses. You should plan to spend two hours completing the assessment.


BLD: 混合式课程是一种部分在课堂上进行,部分在网上进行的课程.

BMB: Bearcat Marching Band is the musical pride of Northwest.

BRIDGE: Building Relationships and Integrating Diverse Growth Experiences. 桥梁是学生工作人员,通过提供项目和资源,帮助促进多元化教育,促进丰富的环境.


Campus Building Abbreviations:


DI: 多样性和包容性是校园内的一个单位,其目标是为所有学生创造一个更具包容性的全国网赌正规平台.


FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). FAFSA是所有联邦援助以及一些州和机构财政援助计划的基础申请.

FERPA: Family Educational Rights Privacy Act. Federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records.

Full-time: 注册至少12个学分的本科生被视为全日制学生.


GA: 研究生助理是指已经完成本科学位并正在攻读研究生学位(称为硕士学位)的学生。. Graduate Assistants hold assistantships. 助教奖学金包括一份提供学费减免和每月津贴的工作. 研究生助教奖学金在校园的各个部门和单位都有,可能包括课堂教学.

GOLD program: 警卫军官领导力发展是一个为大学生提供专业发展机会成为密苏里州陆军国民警卫队军官的项目. 军官培训计划将包括学分的课堂教学, leadership laboratories, and physical training.


IIC: 国际参与中心培养了一个教育环境,让学生, 来自不同背景和取向的教职员工可以聚在一起分享, learn, grow, and enjoy the rich experiences and contributions each has to offer.


OAA: 无障碍和住宿办公室根据《全国网赌正规平台》和《全国网赌正规平台》第504条的要求,为任何有残疾证明的学生免费提供住宿. 住宿为学生提供平等的机会参加大学的课程, courses, and activities.

Office Hours: 每周要求大学教师允许学生访问并就材料提出问题的时间.

Online: Course material, resources, and programming are found via the internet.

OSI: 学生参与办公室对于想要融入校园的学生来说是一个很好的资源.


PA: 同侪顾问协助大学研讨会和你过渡到全国网赌正规平台生活. PAs是指成功完成全国网赌正规平台研讨会的二年级,三年级或四年级学生.

Program and Degree Acronyms:


RA: A resident assistant lives and works alongside students in the residence halls. RAs provide programming and support for students living in campus housing.

ROTC: Reserve Officers' Training Corps


SAC: 学生活动委员会的宗旨是策划和管理学生团体的活动, in order to contribute to a more well-rounded social, recreational, and cultural life for the Northwest campus and community. 全国网赌正规平台通过深夜活动为学生提供娱乐选择. 为了提供各种各样的活动,SAC全年计划了几项活动, including: concerts, lectures, movies, and comedians.

SASP: Student Athlete Success Program. SASP旨在提供一个环境,让学生运动员可以充分体验他们的个人, social, and academic growth. The pervading philosophy of SASP is success! 每个学生都对他/她的学习成绩负责,并符合NCAA的资格和合规准则. SASP努力为运动员成为成功的学生提供所需的支持.

SI: Supplemental Instruction. SI计划为传统上具有挑战性的课程提供免费的同伴领导的合作学习小组. 科学探究课程由完成目标课程并取得高分的学生领导. 科学探究领袖每周提供定期安排的小组复习会议,并协助发展成为一名成功学生的技能.

SSC: 学生成功中心是全国网赌正规平台学术成功的集中中心. SSC支持学生的学习,并有助于从入学到毕业的成长和发展. The Student Success Center focuses on transitioning, advising, supporting, and connecting students to maximize their academic potential.

Syllabus: 由教授或讲师写的关于课程重要信息的大纲. It usually includes important dates, assignments, expectations and policies specific to the course and university.


TA: A teaching assistant assists with classroom activities in select classes.

TESS: Teacher Education Student Services

TRIO: TRIO creates environments that inspire engaged learning, motivate continuing education and support lifelong learning. TRIO offers a comprehensive set of services through three different programs, each targeted at a specific group of individuals from 9th grade through adulthood. Services and activities include academic tutoring, cultural enrichment, financial assistance counseling, summer on-campus residential programs, admissions counseling, instructional assistance, and student mentoring.


UPD: The University Police Department provides the overall safety of Northwest. 大学警察的职责是维护校园环境的安全,阻止不适当的活动.


WB: stands for web-based, 学生分类,表明学生可以在玛丽维尔或堪萨斯城校园的传统教室上课, or enroll in WB online courses.

WO: stands for web-only, 学生分类,表明学生只符合WO在线课程的资格. Please note that not all academic programs are available in the WO format.